Finjamos que soy feliz...
(...) Que loca ambición nos lleva de nosotros olvidados? si es para vivir tan poco de que sirve saber tanto?
Oh, si como hay de saber, hubiera algún seminario o escuela donde a ignorar se enseñaran los trabajos,
qué felizmente viviera el que, flojamente cauto burlara las amenazas del influjo de los astros!
Let us pretend that I am happy...
(...) What mad ambition drives us to forget ourselves, to our grief? What use is all our learning, when human life is so brief?
What we need is a seminar with no other aim than showing not the ways of human learning but the comforts of not knowing.
Exempt from need for caution, taking pleasure in all things, we'd scoff at whatever threats the stars' influence brings.
Thought, lets learn not to know, since so plainly it appears that whatever we add to our minds we take away from our years.
Translated by Alan S. TruebloodEtiquetas: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz |