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Poemas en Inglés es un blog que pretende acercar poemas de lengua inglesa al castellano
"Por principio, toda traducción es buena. En cualquier caso, pasa con ellas lo que con las mujeres: de alguna manera son necesarias, aunque no todas son perfectas"

Augusto Monterroso

-La palabra mágica-

"Es imposible traducir la poesía. ¿Acaso se puede traducir la música?"


"Translating poetry is like making jewelry. Every word counts, and each sparkles with so many facets. Translating prose is like sculpting: get the shape and the lines right, then polish the seams later."

James Nolan

"La traducción destroza el espí­ritu del idioma"

Federico García Lorca
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz -Mueran contigo, Laura, pues moriste...-
viernes, 20 de octubre de 2006
Mueran contigo, Laura, pues moriste...

Lamenta con todos la muerte de la señora marquesa de Mancera

Mueran contigo, Laura, pues moriste,
los afectos que en vano te desean,
los ojos a quien privas de que vean
hermosa luz que a un tiempo concediste.

Muera mi lira infausta en que influiste
ecos, que lamentables te vocean,
y hasta estos rasgos mal formados sean
lágrimas negras de mi pluma triste.

Muévase a compasión la misma muerte
que, precisa, no pudo perdonarte;
y lamente el amor su amarga suerte,

pues si antes, ambicioso de gozarte,
deseó tener ojos para verte,
ya le sirvieran sólo de llorarte.

Let them die with you, Laura, now you are dead...

On the death of that most excellent lady, the Marquise de Mancera

Let them die with you, Laura, now you are dead,
these longings that go out to you in vain,
these eyes on whom you once bestowed
a lovely light never to gleam again.

Let this unfortunate lyre that echoes still
to sounds you woke, perish calling your name,
and may these clumsy scribblings represent
black tears my pen has shed to ease its pain.

Let Death himself feel pity, and regret
that, bound by his own law, he could not spare you,
and Love lament the bitter circumstance

that if once, in his desire for pleasure,
he wished for eyes that they might feast on you,
now weeping is all those eyes could ever do.

Translated by Alan S. Trueblood


posted by Bishop @ 13:40  
  • At 21 de julio de 2007, 17:17, Blogger Bishop said…


    Death like yours, my Laura, since you have died,
    to feelings that still long for you in vain,
    to eyes you now deny even the sight
    of lovely light that in the past you gave.

    Death to my hapless lyre from which you drew
    these echoes that, lamenting, speak your name,
    and let these awkward characters be known
    as black tears shed by my grief-stricken pen.

    Let compassion move stern Death herself
    who (strictly accurate) brooked no excuse,
    and let Love lament his bitter fate;

    who boldly hoping at one time to woo you
    wanted to have eyes simply to see you,
    that now do nothing more nor less than mourn you.

    Translated by Amanda Powell

  • At 21 de julio de 2007, 20:04, Blogger Bishop said…


    They followed you, Laura, but you died,
    My affection in vain desiring;
    My eyes, denied, yet still requiring
    The lovely light that you supplied.

    Hear how my unlucky lyre has cried,
    Sorrowful sounds of your expiring;
    And now from my pensive pen I wring
    Blackened tears from a blacker tide.

    In compassion my pen’s retiring
    Mourns your passing unsatisfied;
    My love laments your bitter sleep:

    Before your death my eyes aspiring,
    Seeing your love were gratified;
    But now they only want to weep.

    Translated by Sandra Sider

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