Spanish Poems


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Poemas en Inglés es un blog que pretende acercar poemas de lengua inglesa al castellano
"Por principio, toda traducción es buena. En cualquier caso, pasa con ellas lo que con las mujeres: de alguna manera son necesarias, aunque no todas son perfectas"

Augusto Monterroso

-La palabra mágica-

"Es imposible traducir la poesía. ¿Acaso se puede traducir la música?"


"Translating poetry is like making jewelry. Every word counts, and each sparkles with so many facets. Translating prose is like sculpting: get the shape and the lines right, then polish the seams later."

James Nolan

"La traducción destroza el espí­ritu del idioma"

Federico García Lorca
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer -Rima XL. Su mano entre mis manos...-
martes, 15 de mayo de 2007
Rima XL. Su mano entre mis manos...

Su mano entre mis manos,
sus ojos en mis ojos,
la amorosa cabeza
apoyada en mi hombro,

¡Dios sabe cuántas veces,
con paso perezoso,
hemos vagado juntos
bajo los altos olmos
que de su casa prestan
misterio y sombra al pórtico!
Y ayer... un año apenas,
pasando como un soplo
con qué exquisita gracia
con qué admirable aplomo,
me dijo al presentarnos
un amigo oficioso:
“Creo que alguna parte
he visto a usted” ¡Ah, bobos
que sois de los salones
comadres de buen tono,
y andáis por allí a caza
de galantes embrollos.
¡Qué historía habéis perdido!
¡Qué manjar tan sabroso!
para ser devorado
“soto voce” en un corro,
detrás de abanico
de plumas de oro!

¡Discreta y casta luna,
copudos y altos olmos,
paredes de su casa,
umbrales de su pórtico,
callad, y que en secreto
no salga con vosotros!
Callad; que por mi parte
lo he vivido todo:
y ella..., ella..., ¡no hay máscara
semejante a su rostro!

Rhyme XL. Her hand between my hands...

Her hand between my hands,
her eyes fixed on mine
her loving head reclined
upon my shoulder.

God knows how many times
lazily we have strolled
beneath the lofty elms
that lend mystery
to her house
and shade its portico.
And yesterday ... but a year ...
passed away like a gust ...
With what exquisite grace,
such admirable aplomb,
she remarked to me
when a meddlesome friend
was introducing us:
'I think we met somewhere.'
Ah, fools, fools!
The salon's cultured gossips
prancing there
in search of lovers'
What a story you have missed!
What a tasty food to much
sotto voce in a group
behind a feathered
fan of gold!

Discreet and chaste moon,
tall dense-topped elms,
walls surrounding her house,
thresholds of her porch,
be silent, silent, lest
the secret slip from you.
I for my own part
have clean forgotten all.
And she ... she ... there is no mask
comparable to her face.

Translated by Michael Smith


posted by Bishop @ 10:40  
  • At 16 de julio de 2007, 15:02, Blogger Bishop said…


    Her hand in my hand,
    her eyes in my eyes,
    her head leaning
    amorously on my shoulder.

    God knows how many times,
    with lazy steps,
    we wandered together
    under the tall elms
    that lend mystery to her
    house and shade to its porch!
    And yesterday... hardly a year
    had passed, like a puff of wind ...
    with what exquisite grace
    with what admirable assurance,
    she said, when an officious
    friend introduced us:
    "I believe I might have seen you
    somewhere before". Ah, fools
    who frequent the salons,
    gossips of good tone,
    and who go there hunting
    for tittilating scandals.
    What a history you have lost!
    What morsels so tasty!
    to be devoured
    "sotto voce" in a chorus,
    behind a fan
    of gold feathers!

    Discreet and chaste moon,
    bushy and tall elms,
    walls of her house,
    thresholds of its porch -
    keep quiet, so our secrets
    don't escape with the others!
    Keep quiet: for me,
    they are all still vivid:
    but she... she... there is no mask
    equal to her face!

    Translated by H. Landman

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